Thursday 17 December 2009

Internet Problems!

Sorry we have not updated the Blog for a couple of days, we have had some issues with internet access. We have loads of pics and stories that we will endevour to put online tonight. We have had a fantastic week and all the students have been great! They have all made huge progress with their Skiing and the conditions have been better than we could have dreamed for. See you soon.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Another outstanding day!

Another dusting of fresh powder greeted us at the top of the hill this morning and some of the best skiing conditions we have ever experienced. The Annamaniacs (Anna`s top group) headed straight to the highest point at First 2500m and above the cloud line. Whilst Simon`s beginners headed off to Bodmi, lower down the hill for their first taste of a button lift.
After an amazing morning of skiing, everyone made great progress and we all met up at lunch to share our experiences and wipeouts. After lunch Simon`s group joined us at the top of the mountain to encounter their first blue run. Another great afternoon skiing was had by all and we returned back to the hotel `buzzing` about our day.
We had another great evening meal of soup, pork and mash with spinach and apricot tart. We are currently settling down to watch Cool Runnings in our homemade cinema.
Tonights prizes went to Sarah Archer for wipeout of the day, for taking Sean Johansen out at the entrance to the bubble car and to Ryan Smith for advancing to the top group after only 2 days of skiing!
As the laptop is being used for the film no photos have gone up tonight.....but check out tomorrow for lots more pics.
Good night all!

Saturday 12 December 2009

International Ice Hockey Match Report!

The Ice skating tonight took an unexpected turn when we were challehged to a match!! The Californian Cougars took on the Newport Ninjas in an intenseley fought contest that saw Newport place a respectable second best 3-1(this was in part due to Newport fielding a side that included several 14 yr boys, a cheerleader, a 76 yr old ski instructor and serval staff who had never held a stick before). Jake Hillcoat spent more time on the floor than on his feet, Ashley frost was an animal in attack, Jack Buckley took out several Californians with his elbow and Sean Johansen kept out a flurry of american strikes when he came on as a late sub for Watty. Ryan Smith let the whole side down by putting on an opposition shirt(but we won't hold it against him for much longer than a year or two). The Bettws Fireflies gave an awsome display on the sidelines cheering our team on, even Nicole came on late in the second half to add here wicked slapshot!! A great time was had by all and the photo's are online now to have a look at.

First Day on the Piste!

After a restful night and a hearty breakfast we headed up above the clouds in the cable car searching for the sun...Didn't find it, but did find some awesome powder snow!
Those who had skied before headed off with 'Anna', their instructor for the week whilst those new to the mountains headed off with 'Simon' to take their first tentative steps. After some fantastic wipe outs and face plants (only joking) we stopped for a great lunch at the top of the slopes. The afternoon flew by!
Just got back, done bank and getting showered and changed for tonights dinner and apres ski which is ice-skating.
Check out the pics and see you all tomorrow.
Loads of love from all of us x

Friday 11 December 2009

We have arrived safe and sound(but very tired)!

We have had an awsome first day. The students have been amazing all day and made what was a long day a great one. We have travelled on a coach, a plane and 3 differnt Swiss trains before arriving in Grindelwald to see it covered in fresh powder snow! We have had a wander around town, got fitted for our boots and skis, had a good dinner of chicken and chips with creme caramel for desert and are now going to bed to get some well deserved sleep. See you tomorow when you can check out our first day on the slopes. Good night.

Don't forget to follow the link to see the pictures.

Monday 7 December 2009

Check out how we are getting on each day by clicking the link and viewing our picture gallery.